We focus on others rather than ourselves
Yes its nice to make money, however giving money away gives a greater buzz and provides the energy to do more. Some people think that if they give money away they will not benefit, yes it might initially seem that they will take longer to meet their financial goal but there are other benefits such as paying less tax and being recognised as someone who cares and is prepared to step up and help others.
Charities around the world are under pressure with falling donations due to economic problems hitting peoples pockets, in Cyprus where I live a local hospice has been reduced to a one bed service from what used to be a 15 bed ward in a local hospital.
Our succeed to give program is based in the USA, centralised on helping Abused Children Childhelp.org but will be spreading worldwide.
Children are our future but did you know in the USA alone 5 Children die everyday as a result of child abuse. You could help to do something about it and at the same time improve you own life contact me for more details.
David Ogden
386 308 1956
Skype Seadogs11
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