
Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Marketing your Business

I continue to be amazed that people join opportunities, social groups, websites etc and then do nothing. I even wonder why most of them even bother to fill in the forms to sign up.

Perhaps one of the reasons is that some sites do not provide enough information about their product or service until they have captured your details, so that you can be added to an autoresponder which will pummel you into submission until you either take action or unsubscribe yourself.

One of my main businesses is the provision of a suite of marketing tools that costs $54.95 per month which includes everything you need to successfully market your business on the Internet, however people still sign up and do nothing, despite the fact that I include step my step instructions ,both in written and short video clips on what they need to do. Whenever there is a system update, it is added to the instructions.

The latest addition to the tools is a collection of blogging templates called VerePress, which can collate information from friends in Veretekk and other social groups such as Twitter and Facebook and Youtube. You can fully customise the look and feel from your back office in Veretekk hosting, to meet your needs in marketing your business. I just wonder how many people will make the effort to subscribe and use it.

Without marketing you will not make sales, and even with the best marketing system in the world you will not succeed unless you use it. Yes there is a lot of automation which can help you spread the word about your business, but you still need to write or get someone else to write your advertising copy, before the automation can be switched on.

I always recommend taking time to learn the basics including learning how tools work so that you can then uses them to market your business. You see, with a home based business model, I get to choose my pay, when I get a raise and how hard I would like to work. When building a business in the beginning, it is extremely important to work as hard as you can with "productive work" as opposed to "busy work".


David Ogden
Veretekk Trainer
1-386-308-1956 (24 hours)
davidogdens [@]
Skype seadogs11
Office Hours-6AM-12AM GMT +8

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