
Friday, July 27, 2012

Marketing your Business

Marketing your Business

Yesterday I attended a webinar from T. Harv Eker, about the changing face of business as it seems that you need to choose carefully what you do, and aim to make money in five years and then sell and move on. This is a completely new mindset for me as I have looked to taking up to 3 years to make a profit, whereas the trend now is to return a profit within the first year.

One important aspect is the need to fully understand the business and opportunity you are going to promote and advertise, you can no longer rely on copy and pasting company provided sales pages to do your online selling you have to write your own advertising copy.

Many people do not know where to start, if you ask them to write about their business, so I generally recommend they start by writing about themselves and why they became involved with the business they are promoting. Having introduced themselves with one or two posts, they then need to start writing about the products and services they are providing.

One way to do this is to take the stock sales page and then rewrite it taking out the hype and buy now pitches and just supply one link in the signature area. As knowledge of their business grows they can expand into other areas, like providing answers to some common questions or features of their products.

You need to put yourself in the place of a potential customer what kind of questions do they have, what goes into products, what are the main features of your service, how does using the product or service benefit your customers.


David Ogden
Veretekk Trainer
1-386-308-1956 (24 hours)
davidogdens [@]
Skype seadogs11
Office Hours-6AM-12AM GMT +8

Advertise Your Business

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Marketing your Business

I continue to be amazed that people join opportunities, social groups, websites etc and then do nothing. I even wonder why most of them even bother to fill in the forms to sign up.

Perhaps one of the reasons is that some sites do not provide enough information about their product or service until they have captured your details, so that you can be added to an autoresponder which will pummel you into submission until you either take action or unsubscribe yourself.

One of my main businesses is the provision of a suite of marketing tools that costs $54.95 per month which includes everything you need to successfully market your business on the Internet, however people still sign up and do nothing, despite the fact that I include step my step instructions ,both in written and short video clips on what they need to do. Whenever there is a system update, it is added to the instructions.

The latest addition to the tools is a collection of blogging templates called VerePress, which can collate information from friends in Veretekk and other social groups such as Twitter and Facebook and Youtube. You can fully customise the look and feel from your back office in Veretekk hosting, to meet your needs in marketing your business. I just wonder how many people will make the effort to subscribe and use it.

Without marketing you will not make sales, and even with the best marketing system in the world you will not succeed unless you use it. Yes there is a lot of automation which can help you spread the word about your business, but you still need to write or get someone else to write your advertising copy, before the automation can be switched on.

I always recommend taking time to learn the basics including learning how tools work so that you can then uses them to market your business. You see, with a home based business model, I get to choose my pay, when I get a raise and how hard I would like to work. When building a business in the beginning, it is extremely important to work as hard as you can with "productive work" as opposed to "busy work".


David Ogden
Veretekk Trainer
1-386-308-1956 (24 hours)
davidogdens [@]
Skype seadogs11
Office Hours-6AM-12AM GMT +8

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Friday, July 20, 2012

Fr ee Millionaire Maker Seminar

Marketing your Business
"When Opportunity meets Preparation!"

This coming Saturday Tom Prendergast will be sharing the work he have been doing bringing powerful marketing to bear on your behalf. Here is a summary via bullets what to expect at this event:

  • Multiple campaigns in progress
  • Bulk Email campaigns, tracking, capture sites
  • Display ads (like banners), tracking, capture sites
  • Symbiotic campaigns, SEO and Social Marketing groups in an ad campaign via content and back links
  • Symbiotic groups participation via co-op funding.
  • Multiple tracking
  • Back linking Manager
  • Forum Posting Manager
  • Campaign Manager
This event will help lay the foundation of your Veretekk system coming into her own as the "only" fully featured automated digitally enhanced advertising agency for your exclusive use.

He is in the process of building a huge flotilla of running ad campaigns, including, bulk email services, display advertising, link exchanges, forum ads, radio advertising, etc.

Get first crack at joining the co-op at low un listed rates, Explode your business. Get in on the revolution of our Symbiotic groups and have fist place status for upcoming opportunities and new campaigns.

This is the promise of Veretekk and you can feel it coming like a freight train.

This coming Saturday at 2pm PST. Tom will be conducting the event. Will you be there too? I will

Our special guest this Saturday is accomplished billionaire and philanthropist, compassionately known to all as "Mr. Costa Rica" because of his humanitarian deeds for children, women, and families.

Having grown up as a street person living in condemned buildings he defied all odds as he earned his first million at the age of 27. Today he continues to amass wealth driving many of his businesses to the top, some in as little as 60 days! Integrated Marketing since 1995.

After this event at or around 3pm PST Tom will be conducting a full scale V2 orientation. If you want to know how the V2 system works, this is the event. Recording of the Orientation will be allowed.

To join the conference, just just go to Veretekk™ system scroll down to the bottom for the calendar. Login there.


David Ogden
Veretekk Trainer
1-386-308-1956 (24 hours)
davidogdens [@]
Skype seadogs11
Office Hours-6AM-12AM GMT +8

Top SEO Results Tools  |  Conference Room  |  Videos  |  Contact Me

When we learn to motivate other people, our own motivation will increase greatly. This is the fuel that keeps me motivated on a ongoing basis. In order for me to achieve great success in my own home based business I must be able to help other people in theirs by keeping them motivated through training and mentoring.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Automated Commodities Trading Launched - Going Fast

The Community Code A.M.B.E.R licenses are here? the timer ticked to zero and the commodity code page went live..

As my friend at Community Code (Steve) told me before, there are 3 different types of licenses available?

What I didn't know is that every license holder gets personal 1 on 1 phone support and a so called "profit Pass" for a meeting in Austria in 2014 (fully paid stay and room) to discuss developments and profits...

That`s something I truly like.. building a community of profitable traders to join together.

Only few licenses are available as I feared..

Steve told me they might change the volumes like splitting a bank license up to help smaller investors obtain a copy as they are running out much faster than anticipated.

You need to hurry now.. Go and grab your license, as this is a one of a kind opportunity that will not repeat itself anytime soon..

I would love to meet you in Austria in 2014 and talk about the past profitable year. I really do!

Good Trading
David Ogden

PS: Copies are running out! Remember you are fully protected by LAW by a money back guarantee.. there is nothing to lose and only to gain.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Early Bird Access To The Commodity Code!

"Officially" Commoditycode opens tomorrow 17th of July..

But for those that need to secure there licenses up front so called "Fund Manager" Licenses are given out.. those are for high rollers only so if you feel like you got the capital needed go to ->

and call the number.. Steve told me they will ask some verification questions and decide who's suited to receive a premium license.

Important: The Official Opening is still happening tomorrow July 17th 9 AM EST Time..

Make sure to be there to snag your copy up.. I know theres a lot of stupid marketing out there suggesting only a limited amount of copies but I know it directly form the source..

Copies are very limited and the SOLD OUT sign will appear days, if not hours after opening.. 100% guaranteed.

But its understandable given the fact that making money in every market is always at the expense of someone else.

And nobody knows if they will EVER open doors for this moneymaker again... Would you risk it if you had a proven moneymaker just for the sake of a few bucks more?

I would not.

As usual we consumers are protected by law with a 60 day money back guarantee so in this case you need to hop in guns blazing ..and ask questions later because you truly have nothing to loose.

I get no special treatment as well and have to stay in line like everyone else.. but I will definitely get my copy.. after all a product that made over 800,000 USD real cash is quite.. "rare"

Wouldn't you agree? :)

Just the best!


PS: Call them up..!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

A.M.B.E.R. alert information (important)

A.M.B.E.R. alert information (important)

The Commodity Code guys we`ve been following over the past week have put another website up and show Ronald and Antony talking about the last 5 years and how Gold, Oil and Silver stood the test of time while money profits have been eaten up by inflation..

It's interesting stuff! Here is the link to the video:

However the really interesting part is when you scroll down to the bottom of the page.. Seems only 2 more days to go till they release A.M.B.E.R.

As usual I called my pal Steve up (hes getting used to that and laughs always when he hears me on the phone by now)..

He told me that they got so many requests that he wanted to give the high rollers a chance to obtain a "Fund Manager" license for A.M.B.E.R. early on

There will be 3 license types,

  • Private,
  • Fund Manager
  • Bank manager
. They have different trade caps to control the liquidity. It seems they wont be selling any private licenses just yet, before the official date but give those that can afford it and have the right amount of capital to TRADE IT, an early bird chance by tomorrow

Go there tomorrow Monday 16th 9 AM EST time and call them up... but only if you got serious capital..

The official Launch Date is still set for July 17th 9 AM EST Time... a Timer is on the website as well..

SO if you're looking for a small license make sure to be there and snatch a copy up real quick..

After all profits are guaranteed by the money back philosophy so you can`t go wrong. (especially seeing the profits and accounts live traded)

Your friend

David Ogden