
Sunday, December 30, 2012

Life in Philippines - Year End

End of another year

So much changes in a year. A year ago we were looking forward to moving into our new house in Dipolog City getting married and being able to settle and start running a local business. The problem of the slow pace of life and the fact that local people have no financial resources, has forced a complete change of plan, the south of the Philippines is like a different country compared to the Capital area, and it will take sometime to change.

Jasmin's annulment was delayed by a technical error, this however was resolved yesterday so we now just have to wait for the official records to be adjusted, and can finally look forward to getting married in the Spring.

Once we are married we will be returning to Europe to live in Cyprus. It will be challenging due to the financial issues, however will provide a way into the housing market before prices start rising again. Cyprus will provide better possibilities for us in the long term and provide better communications with the rest of my family in the UK.

The year did not end well for either Jasmin or my parents, with my father being admitted to hospital with a heart problem just before Christmas and Jasmin's mother suffering a heart attack on a ferry returning from Manila. both it seems will require pacemakers fitting in the new year.

2013 promises to be a landmark year with everything finally falling into place.

David Ogden
Dipolog city
'Ed Mercers 100 Millionaires Challenge

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Life in Philippines

Back to work

The Philippines have a strange way of celebrating Christmas a big build up, then a day of celebration and straight back to work. I do not understand the use of fireworks to celebrate Christmas, and to be honest find them most annoying, fire crackers and banger just serve to make a noise, disturb people and frighten pets and livestock.

I can only imagine it is some Chinese tradition but would have preferred that they restricted the noise to new year and provide some colourful fireworks.

My Father spent Christmas in hospital in the UK and the rest of my family celebrated at home.

Business wise, matters are quiet at the moment, but I will be starting a new campaign in a weeks time, in the mean time its a matter of just checking and updating websites in preparation.

Hopefully we will have a meeting with our lawyer this week to continue on with the great paper chase to relocate to Europe.

David Ogden
Dipolog city
'Ed Mercers 100 Millionaires Challenge

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Pre-launch business offers

Pre launches

I now have two prelaunch projects both of which are earning me money, my prelaunchx Forex trading added another 10% to my account last week, so I have a $1300 gain on a zero investment. in fact the account has increased 13times from the start credit of $100.

Not sure when it will launch but there is still time to build followers and build residue override commissions.

the second pre launch is Cool Trader Pro the worlds only fully automated stock trading system which may become essential software for any stock broker or financial advisor who looks and advises other people about the stock market. With this piece of software you can spend the day on the beach while the robot opens and closes the deals you have set up to follow. No need to sit like a bug eyed monster watching multiple screen check it out at

David Ogden

Ed Mercer- 100 millionaires
Prelaunch X

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Life in the Philippines

Christmas is coming

Christmas is just over a week away and shopping is becoming a chore, with tricycles and cars clogging up the streets, the best way about town is by mountain bike, but I have noticed lately that air pollution is getting worse, there is a definite haze in the traffic areas. Last week I delivered my Christmas promotions to the local businesses and will see if they bear fruits in the future. Ben our dog is due for his annual anti rabies shot, but the vet informed me yesterday he is out of supplies, it seems that many more people are getting their dogs vaccinated these day, hopefully he will have new stocks next week. The vet confirmed my fears that when we move to Cyprus will be too costly to take the dogs with us as they do not have microchiping or suitable blood testing to meet European standards.

The first batch of carol singers made their rounds, but we are lucky that living in a gated community most are turned away at the gate. I am still not sure of what are plans are for Christmas , Jay and his grandmother are going to Manila next week but am not sure if they will return by Christmas Day, planning and organisation goes out of the window when living in the Philippines.

Business is quietening down for the holidays the only news in this area is the announcements of a change in direction for my veretekk business as it drops its affiliate program, which mean a drop in income from January, but a promise of more to come at ht end of the year.

David Ogden
Dipolog city
'Ed Mercers 100 Millionaires Challenge

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Fully Automated Stock Trading

Auto trading stocks

I was reminded yesterday about a method of trading on the stock market with little risk, it involves using the worlds first fully automatic stock trading robot Cool Trade Pro. the program has been years in the making, I ran across it about 4 years ago but the price was to high for me. Basically it is your own home based stock broker which runs on your PC during trading hours and not only suggest stock and trades to make but enters and closes them for you.

It does not matter which way the stock market moves you can make money, no longer do you need to invest long term, there are three proven built in strategies which will cover every situation with out you having to analyse pages of information and charts, it is all done for you/

What more would you want, well the company now is offering the system for sale within the MLM market so that anyone can start earning money not only from using the software but also by selling it.

For the next six days there are some special offers which have been extended and offer some $7,500 in savings provided one moves quickly take a look at and you will see what I mean.

David Ogden

Ed Mercer- 100 millionaires
Prelaunch X

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

what Marketing Tool do you use ?

Advertising Tools

What are you you must have advertising/marketing tools that you use on a regular basis and how much are you prepared to pay for them.

Most people have their favourite tools such as Aweber for auto responders and Goto meeting for online meeting and webinar. Some people like to purchase domain names from one company and host with another, others use free hosting.

SEO consultancy services are important for some companies who may not have the time or resources to develop good search engine result strategies for their websites. There are some sites such as IBOtoolbox which offer free social marking and blogging and advertising services were subscribers can earn points which can be converted into advertising.

I myself prefer to pay for a complete suite of tools which are designed to work together but then I pay $55 a month for the privilege, about the same amount I would pay to use Aweber and Goto meeting. I believe I am getting great value for money, unlimited autoresponders ,webinar room. training,hosting including a dozen aged domains where I can add subdomains, an integrated social marketing and blogging systems incorporating smart RSS feed and more.

My question to you is what are you using, how much do you spend and what other tools do you feel are essential for advertising your business.


David Ogden
Veretekk Trainer
1-386-308-1956 (24 hours)
davidogdens [@]
Skype seadogs11
Office Hours-6AM-12AM GMT +8

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Advertising Your Business

Is there value in Free

For a long time I have been preaching people to take care when signing up for something that is free, because there is little value in something that is free, usually marketers will entice customers with free offers, just like supermarkets, buy one get one free, sounds much better than 50% reduction.

I used to have a number of sites where I used to offer free leads, ebooks, software and even holidays for free and maybe I have suffered from being hoist my my own petard as these methods have proved to be largely ineffective.

Don't get me wrong in this worldwide economic downturn the word Free does attract a lot more people but the more discerning are aware of the catch. If you fill in contact details in a box online you can expect that someone will contact you to try and sell you something. so you must think carefully is what is being offered for free worth something to you.

One site I do like on the Internet is IBOToolbox, I have used it for a number of months and it has a few tools such as URL shorteners and a blogging system which can help improve your search engine results. It also allows you to advertise with banners and text boxes on its site for free, provide you remain active in a social way and this has helped my business.

Yes a few people have tried to sell me on their business, but I have my hands full with what I am doing, so I tend to ignore them, I look to help people to help themselves.

I am even now working on a project which I believe will change the online marketing arena forever, so watch this space.

David Ogden

Ed Mercer- 100 millionaires
Prelaunch X
Advertise Your Business

Friday, December 7, 2012

Life in Philippines

Financial shock

This month my pension payment was reduced for some reason and caused a worrisome time. I was wondering is there had been a change in the UK to reduce pensions. It made be realise that I need to find an additional source of income to protect me in the future. Happily it has been resolved it was an administration error and after speaking to the UK tax office it will be corrected in the next payment/

I have not been able to afloat since moving to the Philippines so now I am trying my hand at virtual sailing in the Vendee Globe around the world race. Tactics and reading the weather are the keys to success, At the moment I am in the chasing pack closing in slowly on a group ahead who have run into lighter winds. I am hoping to catch the front of a new low pressure system to get me to the first ice gate off South Africa. The only problem being is that when I arrive it could be a windless area and many people being me will be closing on my heels. the highest position i have been is 100 but I dropped back to 130 due to a computer outage and am now clawing my way back currently in 109.

My computer outage was caused by a typhoon passing across Mindanao, thankfully only a few 100 people lost their lives compared to over a thousand last year as they had warnings to get into shelter. These typhoons are part of the change in global weather patterns and it is always the poor and ill-informed that seen to suffer.

David Ogden
Dipolog city
'Ed Mercers 100 Millionaires Challenge

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Marketing Your Business

Do you have the right tools

Operating a business weather online or offline requires you as a business owner to invest time and money to become successful, there is no magic short cut, even someone such as Ed Mercer a Billionaire spends many hours a day on the phone talking to people about his business ventures.

Ed Mercers latest project is to create 100 new millionaires, he has done the hard part and researched the market and selected a product that will provide the best way of achieving his Goal of creating a new Guinness World Record. He has agreed to share what he is doing with 100 people and mentor them to success. If you believe you have what it takes, then why not join him.

Ed Mercer certainly know how to work offline but is surprisingly a novice when it comes to the Internet, however he has learnt that the Internet can vastly expand his sphere of influence so is making full use of lead capture pages, autoresponders, blog,conference rooms and social marketing systems to spread the word provided by a leading marketing company with a track record of success.

You can spend quite a lot of money if you purchase subscriptions on an ad hoc basis for example Aweber charge $19 a month for a basic system and this increases as your subscriber list grows. GoToMeeting costs $49 a month for a small room,

You can very soon find your costs mounting from $70-100+, as you add more items such as blogging systems, hosting and the like, so it makes far more sense to find a package that integrates all your tools in one place.which makes your business us easier to administer.

David Ogden
Ed Mercers 100 Millionaires Challenge

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Making Money

Money Exchanges

The current financial downturn has resulted in many people having to tighten their belts and seek way of reducing expenditure. One area I have been looking at in the past month is the cost of moving currency from one country to another. Now I used to actively trade Forex in the past so know that financial institutions can make some good profits when buying and selling money.

I have in the past carried out monthly transfers via my bank where they not only charge 20 pounds for a standard transfer but also make money on the exchange rate as well. I carried out some research and found a company called Money Corp based in the UK who not only provide bank transfer free of charge but also have offer one the best rates for PHP which is good as the Philippine peso is growing stronger

Passive Income Opportunity

Have you ever fancied being a director of an Internet company, well now is your chance a new application suite is to be launched in the new year which will be the greatest lead developer on the Internet. I mean focused, legitimate, targeted leads.

This new platform will be huge and responsible for causing other competitors to totally collapse when we launch it including

This new platform will be multi lingual representing at least 20 languages including.

With crowd funding and offering 100 corporate director positions and what this will mean for your success and potential.

The new platform will have the total look and feel of Facebook and LinkedIn.

Do not procrastinate. There are only 100 Director positions available -38 already spoken for.

Register in my Directors Group to attend the meetings and get all the incredible details.

Honestly, if you are serious about business, want the success you know you can achieve, come to this meeting. Once you hear what Mike and I are doing and where we are going to go, you will be dutifully impressed.

Note: This is not about MLM, or an opportunity to join, it is about the new, out of the box, direction that Veretekk is taking. Heck, we are even going to change the name. Want to know why and what???? Come to the meeting. Join the Directors Group.

David Ogden

Ed Mercer- 100 millionaires
Prelaunch X

Friday, November 30, 2012

Life in Philippines

Life Drifts on

Very little happening in the Philippines this past week, yes they are gearing up for Christmas a major celebration time for them. Traffic is busier in Dipolog city. They have been repainting the pedestrian crossings, not sure why because most motorists ignore them. Maybe one reason is the paint seems to wear off in a matter of days, and there are no warning signs or beacons so they are hard to see.

I learn something new yesterday as there was another 12 hour power outage and that is that the ATM's don't work unless the banks are open, it was a national holiday so banks where shut and it seems they do not have auto start generators. As I was not able to work online we decided to go shopping but that came to an end due to lack of cash. Oh the joys of being in a third world country.

Jasmin is still awaiting for a legal document to be processed, it would seem some documents went missing and we had to obtain a legal document from the post office to confirm it had been posted. We are now in December and if we do not receive some good news this month all out plans for next year are in jeopardy.

I have finally made contact with my Son after a three year gap, something was blogging wither his or my email address, his news was not good as he has been made redundant, and at the same time I have become a grandfather.

David Ogden
Dipolog city
'Ed Mercers 100 Millionaires Challenge

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Life in the Philippines - Driving

Driving in the Philippines

I had to replace my Alien Registration card which meant I could not extend my visa in Dipolog city but instead had to travel to Cagayan Del Oro some six hours drive away. We set of early in the morning since the roads are quieter, however were amazed at the number of motor Tricycles and motor cycles some carrying large pannier baskets on the back but showing no rear light and often front lights with either dipped or main beam, It was a case of now you see them or now you don't and the drivers do not seem to care.

Many expats resort to employing drivers to drive their cars, because if you are involved in any kind of accident as a foreigner it is always your fault. The standards of driving are poor to say the least and even the driving instructors do not follow the rules or teach people correctly often cutting corners on junctions which means they are on the wrong side of the road.

Roadworks are virtually unmarked with no advanced warning signs apart from unlit signs men at work or deep excavation one foot in front of a trench. at nighttime one way sections of roadworks become a free for all. One reason we chose a 4*4 pickup truck rather than a car was because it provides better protection and greater visibility but even so one has to adopt defensive driving techniques watching the road as far ahead as possible for hazards.

Thanks to picking up an ambulance on an emergency run we made our outward journey in record time, tailing him at 2 seconds distance which provides a safe stopping distance no matter what speed you are travelling (as the lead vehicle passes a fixed mark you count 1 second, 2 second before you pass the same mark) Of course at time in traffic you find other drivers will cut in taking your safety distance away.

Once in Cagayan we discovered that the immigration office had moved and we got lost trying to find it new location. We asked a policeman who directed us back to where we had started so instead took us my taxi back to within 500 yards of where we had asked the policeman's help.

On the way home we managed good progress until we reached Ozamis but from there onwards was a nightmare with workers heading home and once again hundreds of unlit or badly lit vehicles, at time one had to use main beam to pick them out, added to which were pedestrians some of home sit on the edge of the tarmac outside their houses.

Hopefully we will never have to make this journey again.

David Ogden
Dipolog city
'Ed Mercers 100 Millionaires Challenge

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Life in the Philippines

Waiting for results

I am not sure that the saying no news is good news, is good, we are still waiting for final confirmation of Jasmin's annulment and this probably now means that we will not have the documents until January with a knock on effect which will delay our movement to Cyprus until the summer.

We have one piece of good news that one of the documents we need is Police clearance here in Dipolog and we have been informed that this can be carried out in Dipolog city rather than having to travel to Manila as we were originally advised, however now the requirement for this document has also been delayed so once more be are back in waiting mode.

One item that I have been actively pursuing is the cost of moving currencies between countries and I have come across a number of options to using banks, which on the face of it can save money. Most banks make a standard charge of around $30 to transfer money, which if you are sending a small amount can make up a high percentage of the cost. In addition to the fixed charge they also earn a margin on the exchange rate. By using an FX broker service you can save between 3-5% on the money you transfer. I have signed up with a couple to find out what kind of saving I can make of transfer between the UK and Philippines and the UK and Cyprus. But in these difficult times even a few pounds per transaction soon adds up.

Postal service has improved a bit, but once again late delivery of time sensitive documents has cost me money. This is a sad state of affairs and needs to be addressed by the Government.

It would seem that law and order is starting to breakdown in Sindangan, where we used to live, with crimes of murder occurring on a daily rather than a monthly basis, not sure if this can be blamed on the upcoming elections which are due next year, which always increases crime figures.

David Ogden
Dipolog city
'Ed Mercers 100 Millionaires Challenge

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Life In the Philippines

post office deliveries

The local post office in Dipolog city has been the bane of my life since I moved here at the beginning of the year. i do not know how many letters have gone missing but know I have lost quite a few important one. It all came to a head ten days ago, when I eventually had gathered proof that my mail was been interfered with. On the day in question my wife collected a number of letters stamped as been received up to a month before, but which had not been de lived.

One letter I opened was a time sensitive letter from my bank wherein they informed me that if I did not reply in ten days they would remove an amount of money relating to an ongoing fraud case from my account. I returned to the Post Office and read the riot act, advising them they were failing in their duty to deliver the mail. They offered many excuses, not enough workers, the weather,sickness. I would have none of it. I went as far as suggesting that they write to the Postmaster general and request the Post Office be shut down. I left a formal complaint with them.

Now miraculously the post is working as it is designed I am getting a regular supply of mail again. so it seems they can do their jobs.

I question sometimes why it is difficult to get people to do what they are paid to do, I do not know how many times have walked into shops and watched staff chatting to each other rather than assisting customers or even worse texting or using mobile devices.

Perhaps I am old fashioned but I used to like to think that I was paid what I felt I was worth, If I was not being paid enough I could leave. Sometimes it was a matter of more than money, I would do jobs I enjoyed or once where I could learn and take on new skills. I have done a huge assortment of jobs in my life so far working for people, with people and for myself. I do not think I have ever been fired, I have always been the one move on. I have been lucky.

One of the most challenging businesses in my opinion is to help people earn money online, the the world of so called fast money, rip offs and scams. The truth is there is good consistent money being made online from Multi-level-marketing when done the right way with the right company. Multi-level-marketing is now being taught in colleges. If its good enough for Warren Buffet its good enough for anyone.

The basis of Multilevel marketing is building and duplication actions which sell products and services on which one can build commissions through multiple levels.

Finding something that works and can be duplicated is one of the secrets that people such as as Billionaire Ed Mercer has used in the past and is using now to create new millionaires. it is not rocket science merely common sense and anybody with a little bit of money, his guidance and advice can create serious wealth.

David Ogden
Dipolog city
'Ed Mercers 100 Millionaires Challenge

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Life in the Philippines

Waiting on Bureaucracy

Having made our decision to leave the Philippines we are now in the hand of bureaucrats with regards to getting our paperwork in order and unfortunately here everything takes time which is very frustrating and is not making life any easier.

I am the kind of person who likes to get things moving and we have a tight deadline. The School year in the Philippines ends in March, so this is the earliest time we can move to Cyprus and will provide time for Jay to settle in prior to resuming his education in September which is the start of the School year. We have to register him in May so that is the latest departure date, to ensure he has a school placement.

The main problem is we need to formally adopt Jay, even though he has been living with us for two years and the authorities need time to consider this, in the best interests of the child. We know it is in Jay's best interests because a European education is far superior to what is available in the Philippines and most Filipinos leave the country anyway as the wages here are too low and they are better odd working abroad.

So for the next few months it seems I am going to have to bite my tongue and subject myself to what I see as unreasonable demands. Part of the problem is the Philippines is where we live, yes I have a UK passport but I have not lived there for 12 years so it seems crazy to ask questions in UK about about my recent past of which they have no knowledge. But here in the Philippines I am regarded as a foreigner and they expect that I have a home in another country, If I did I would not be living here now.

Another tropical storm has been working its way across the country this week, causing the using flooding and power outages which the locals just accept as a normal way of life.

David Ogden
Dipolog city
'Ed Mercers 100 Millionaires Challenge

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Dipolog City - House and Lot For Sale

Original Article @ Dipolog house and Lot for Sale

The Philippines does suffer from a high average rainfall especially at this time of year with over 400mm in the current month although in the spring this from down to around 100mm many houses are built with tin roof with the result that heavy rain makes it impossible to hear someone speaking, added to this is the lack of rain gutters and downpipes so an artificial waterfall is created. Our house and lot for Sale in Dipolog city, is finished with shingle tiles which reduce the noise to nothing and we have long lasting plastic gutters and downpipes, rather that metal which deteriorate rapidly in the tropic,

As you can image you can collect a lot of free water and we originally had plans to place storage tanks behind the house filled by the downpipes rather that letting this resource go to waste.

The one good thing about tropical storms they are over quite quickly and soon the sun is shining brightly again.

Till the next time

David Ogden
Dipolog city
Ed Mercer 100 Millionaiers challenge

Friday, October 12, 2012

How to Become A Millionaire

Qualities of a Millionaire

Many people have dreams to become seriously rich and live like a millionaire but few people have the drive and enthusiasm to turn their dreams into really. Self made millionaires are not born everyday and many like Ed Mercer had serious difficulties to overcome, however the formula to gain success is very similar, they all get their money to work for then, In Eds Mercers case one way was to purchase properties renovate them and sell at a profit, now of course at the moment this method will not work very well.

I do have a friend however that does something similar and that is to purchase properties near to colleges and universities, convert them to student accommodation and rent them out, because there is no lack students trying to better themselves. At the last count he has nine or ten properties and this is increasing his net worth.

Net worth is the way in which millionaires are measured, not the amount of money they are earning, one of the secrets of becoming seriously rich is to get your money working for you. You do not want to have cash sitting in the bank or in a box or jars around the house you need to get it to work.

You need to have money to make money, if you do not have money, you have to find a way to create what is called seed money say $1,000 to $3,000. This seed money can then be invested to create your money tree. You cultivate you money tree by reinvesting the money the tree produces to create more trees. Eventually you will have a forest. One thing you have to remember is not to stop investing or sell you source without replacing it.

I have talked about trees because trees are important for all of us to support life but in places around the world like the Amazon, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines and other places in Asia. The local people are being encouraged to sell the land that they have lived on for generations to Companies who will strip the trees from the land. Yes the villages receive money but at the same time they lose their source and once the money is spent they are poor, However some of the loggers not only make the money from selling lumber but may use the land in other way raising cattle or replanting to earn more income.

So the conundrum for most people is how to get started on your path to becoming a millionaire and raise the seed money. Here are some suggestions:-

  • Stop eating fast foods smoking and drinking and put the money in a money tree account which earns interest.
  • Hold a garage sale and get rid of the clutter in your life
  • Downsize your car, or use a bike or walk.
  • Cut you grocery bill use unbranded products rather than popular more expensive brands
  • Replace credit cards with debit cards that way you cannot spend what you have not got, you could go further and only spend money where you can use a debit card this is stop you spending money on non essentials.
  • Every day drop all your loose change in a jar and bank it in your money tree account

Yes you will make sacrifices but by concentrating on the essentials you will be making progress towards your goal and perhaps understand what is the difference between thinking about being rich and actually becoming rich - Controlling you money.

Once you have your seed money for you money tree Ed Mercer will be able to show you what he is doing to create 100 new millionaires.

David Ogden

Ed Mercer- 100 millionaires
Prelaunch X

Monday, October 8, 2012

Life in the Philippines

Bureaucracy in the Philippines

I have never known a nation like the Philippines for bureaucracy and I am sure most of it is to make money for the government and their cronies, Unfortunately at the moment I have a number of tasks to undertake before I leave the country which require dealing with government department.

Yesterday I need to get a simple police clearance, so I downloaded the form from the the National Bureau of Investigation and headed to the local office in Dipolog city, only to be told that as I am an Alien, I need to go to Manila some 1,000 Kilometres away. In a similar way there is no longer an immigration presence in Dipolog city so when my visa expires next week I need to travel some six hours to Cagayan Del Oro to renew it. Trying to get information and answers by email is virtually impossible.

I Compare this with getting information from Cyprus where I am planning to move to, with emails sent requesting information on Visa and residency questions being answered within hour of been sent and not requiring any travel. You may be thinking I am crazy to swop living in the Philippines where you can live like a prince on a few thousand dollars, compared to Cyprus where costs and taxes are higher, but there are a number of reasons no least being being able to qualify for a European passport for my Son to be wife and child. I do not wish to return to the UK as the weather is too cold, but can survive in Cyprus with hot summers and relatively warm winters.

The main reason however relates to lifestyle, it is a safer place to live as a millionaire and has good communications which is essential for me as I am working with billionaire mentor Ed Mercer and rely on the Internet to build serious wealth for myself and my family. Many people have dreams to be wealthy, but few really commit to the idea, I have discovered that many self made millionaires share Ed's experience starting life with little or no money and building a strategy to succeed.

David Ogden
Dipolog city
'Ed Mercers 100 Millionaires Challenge

Friday, October 5, 2012

Dipolog House and Lot For Sale

Original Article @ Dipolog house and Lot for Sale

Dipolog house and lot for sale

Hardly had we completed our dream house in Dipolog City than we have to move away due to my business commitments, so now we are in the process of putting it on the market.

This is an excellent time for someone to purchase a new property which is ready to move into as we are leaving it virtually fully furnished including large screen TV, Larder Fridge/Freezer, Gas/electric Hob, Oven and front loading washing machine. Curtains and blinds Beds, Office and computer desks.

We are removing only our personal possessions and pictures. we will be sad to go as our garden is beginning to mature, but business is business and if you really want to be successful you have to be prepared to do what ever it takes.

We had originally expected to stay for 5 years or more otherwise we we would not even considered buying, however things change and so move we must.

We also have to set about selling our Mitsubishi Strada 4X4 which is just over a year old, and finding homes for our two dogs Fred the oldest is just over a year and Ben the youngest 9 months, we adopted both and they are turning out to be excellent pets and at the same same time guard dogs, we will miss them dearly as they will miss us. They are great with children, we have a ten year old child and a 4 year old and both dogs are happy to spend time both in the house during the day and on guard duty at night outside. when ever family members are out our the children are expected home they sit expectantly at the gate of our house.

Till the next time

David Ogden
Dipolog city
Ed Mercer 100 Millionaiers challenge

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Life in the Philippines -Business

Operating a Business in the Philippines

I have been reviewing my business commitments and as I have mentioned in previous posts the Philippines is a hard place to operate business, not only are the margins small but people who live in the provinces are on low wages.

I know of many people who have set up local businesses operating resorts, restaurants and bars, but they struggle to earn a living and have to rely on income from abroad to make ends meet. Don't get me wrong the Philippines is great place to live and your money goes a long way, but if you need to work the rewards are not worth the effort.

Yes you can hire workers for very little cost but to have good results you need to keep on top of what they are doing. The pace of life is slow here and you need to set aside quite a lot of time to get business transactions completed and there is a love of needing lots of paperwork.

I have been setting up a business connected with Ed Mercers 100 millionaires challenge and that has been a challenge and an eye opener in itself. As an Internet marketer branding is very important and one point I always stress is if the company has a website it is important that they use an email address connected to the website but here many companies just use a yahoo address. Just yesterday I received a reply to an email sent over a month ago to the manager of a company official email address, she apologised saying that it was a new address and she normally used yahoo. Is this the way to run a serious business?

I suppose local people who operates business just do as others before them and know no better, but for those who have dreams of expanding or attracting business from overseas they need to make great changes in the way they work, including removal of corrupt business practices.

I was happy to start setting up a business here but for the past 18 months have been banging by head against a brick wall, I now see that the time has come to move to an area where business ethics and practices are more inline with my thinking so rather than complaining, I am going to vote with my feet and an put together an exit plan in line with my goal for building serious wealth.

David Ogden
Dipolog city
'Ed Mercers 100 Millionaires Challenge

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Billionaire Ed Mercer Wealth Seminar

Millionaire Mentoring.

Many successful people employ mentors in order to achieve business success, because success breeds success so if you are seeking serious wealth you need to find someone who is seriously wealthy and you cant do much better than teaming up with Billionaire Ed Mercer who is now looking to create a Guinness world record as the first person to create 100 new millionaires.

Ed Mercer outlines his project in the following short video so take some time to watch it

If you have a true dream you want to follow, Ed Mercer can make your dream come true, the next step is to request further information by completing the form at and you will be invited to attend the next available live seminar to discover if you qualify to be mentored by Ed Mercer.

David Ogden
Ed Mercers 100 Millionaires Challenge

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Starting a Serious Business

Turning Failure into Success

Did you know that 85% of small business businesses fail in their first year and the two main reasons are lack of experience and insufficient capital. If you have considered starting your own business you will no doubt have searched online and come across many thousand of opportunities. some are good, some are bad and others just rip offs to get you money. So how do you choose, well look at the main causes of failure.

What kind of experience do you have that can build a business, if you are a salesperson them maybe select something in sales and marketing, or maybe you have a talent that can be turned into a business, you can make or sell online. You could consider an MLM but you need to research them thoroughly and they can be quite restrictive in what you do.

Next how much money do you have to invest and this is in my opinion where many fail. Every business needs money to start off, so take off your list all the so called opportunities that are on offer for free. The other fact is that the more money you lay out to start of the more you will be committed to make your business work. Most people can spend $50-100 and not even miss it so they are not bothered about success or failure. At the other end a franchise business will cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars and you will work hard to get a return on your investment over a number of years until you are in profit.

Now times are hard at the moment and I would suggest you choose a conservative mode. If you are serious you need to raise around $5,000 to building your business. You can build success, it is money you cannot afford to lose, so your are more likely to take your business seriously and do what ever it is you need to do to be successful. You probably do not want to commit the full amount initially but hold some back to cover contingencies.

Getting started is always difficult, it part of the challenge of living, you need to remain focussed on you goals and as you start earning money feed some back to continue growing your business. It also helps to mix with other successful people, for some reason some of their success rubs off on you.

David Ogden
Ed Mercers 100 Millionaires Challenge

Friday, August 31, 2012

Reaching Out To Someone

You can't live on Enough

Today's post is an update on the guy who has dreams of becoming a millionaire by the age of 25 and cannot find a job apart from working with old people that gives him some $300 a month to remind you this is what he said :-

"See the thing is, I want to unite this world and stop wars. From there we can find ways to convert salt water into fresh water, cure cancer, solve the food crisis.. Everything can be solved if we work together. But I honestly need money.. Lots of it.. That's why I was drawn to Ed mercer and his goal. It would please me greatly for helping Ed be happy with his 5th record, but I am still a little confused and need just some help to get my foot in the door.

You know.. Someone to have faith in me in these horrible times.. If I coulda taken out a loan I would have for college (that's why I'm not going college this year cuz financial problems) but I still hold fast to my dream because someday I will accomplish it. But I have no one who will see what I can do. People just look at my past and see that I'm not worth their time.. Just like the scholarship committees..

I'm not looking for a hand out.. I just need a little help.. I will pay them monthly. Well a small pay.. But cuz I work at an elementary skool and they don't pay much"

Well I gave him a link to a group funding site which might help him and yesterday he contacted me having worked out what he needed to get up the ladder and this is what he has set up


David Ogden

Monday, August 27, 2012

let's work with one another

I'll take this opportunity to introduce myself, my name is Rachel Grey,
very nice to meet you. I work as a SEO manager for Optimized SEO.

I'm making a research for one of my partners and while doing so
I noticed and I have few interesting suggestions for you
and I would like to tell you more about them.

If you are interested I will be happy to send the additional information
and all the SEO details needed.

Thanks alot,

Rachel Grey

Visit my linkedin page

Friday, August 24, 2012

Life In the Philippines

Life in the Philippines
Rich and Poor

Time seems to be be flying by at the moment another month is coming to an end. The big floods that hit Manila earlier in the week and caused death and destruction in mainly poor areas have subsided, But clean ups are still continuing. There are still other low pressure areas passing by causing more concerns.

The country is in mourning following a light aircraft crash which killed Secretary Jesse Robredo who is being given a three day State Funeral.

Most of my week has been taken up working with Billionaire Ed Mercer on his quest to create 100 new millionaires. Every time I listen to him I pick up more information on what one needs to do to become wealthy, I was surprised to learn he does not own a computer and like me he does not know SMS. He spends 8 hours a day on the phone, and that is the best way to grow a business, personal contact is one of the key to success as well as finding the right vehicle to use at a particular time.

Timing is important, if you are first say to open up a cafe and it becomes popular, it will not be long before others follow your lead certainly if you live in Asia where similar businesses seem to group together. So when you have an opportunity to do something in a new way you need to move fast.

A person receives few opportunities in a lifetime but you can bet your life that someone who wants to be wealthy will grab everyone of them, which is why they get ahead. By working with ED you can get ahead and create serious wealth

David Ogden
Dipolog city
'The' online community and worldwide hub of professional marketers!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Get your Money working for You

There are many way of making money but few unique opportunities often come along. During the past year I have found two and both are in prelaunch status, the first was Pre-launch Forex which I have been posting about for some time and has grown over 500% and is also set to provide me with a passive income provided the people i have signed up remain in the business.

The second and biggest prelaunch stems from a challenge between Billionaire Ed Mercer and the Guinness Book of Records. Ed already has 4 existing records for helping others. Ed Mercers latest challenge is to create 100 new millionaires from ordinary people in the next 18 months and to do this he has joined forces with marketing company Veretekk who will supply the tools and duplication methods which are important to achieve success in such a time span.

Wealth is but a dream to many people but this dream is about to become a reality, I have taken up the challenge and am looking for a dozen like minded people to join me along the way. time is short as once the core team reaches 200, The first stage will commence which will see more records being broken as a new marketing method is put into practice

Do you have what it takes to earn a million or more then check out Ed Mercer because he will be your personal mentor to guide you to success

David Ogden

Life In the Philippines

Life in the Philippines
On the Up and Up

For a few weeks now I have been planning a major improvement in my Lifestyle, my net worth has been under attack as goods and services cost more and exchange rates and investments have lost value. So it it time to take some action.

I rediscovered one of my business books which had been stuffed in a box in cupboard until we find some bookshelves and its a book about mastering the inner game of wealth. One chapter which I re read during a recent power outage is about how your mind conditions you to be poor or wealthy and is the reason why if you get a big windfall, you will blow it all away. But you can prevent this and recondition your mind to accept wealth.

Now I have been content with my life having been retired for over 12 years and been able to do what ever I wanted. But now I have extra responsibilities and I need more money to further improve my lifestyle and the lives of others around me. so I have taken up a challenge to become a millionaire.

I am working with a Billionaire Ed Mercer who is in the process of turning 100 ordinary people into Millionaires for an Entry in the Guinness Book of World Records. He already hold 4 other entries for helping people.

Ed has partnered with a marketing company called Veretekk, where I'm am a volunteer trainer who have built a duplicable system to create wealth no matter who you are.

There are less than 200 positions left in the core team so you will need to act fast

People are being placed according to time stamp

Get involved right now and get people placed under you:-

David Ogden
Dipolog city
'The' online community and worldwide hub of professional marketers!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Life In the Philippines

Life in the Philippines

The Olympics is winding down to a closure, and what a scene it has been, Great Britain punching above their weight to maintain a third place in the Medals tables, with fabulous Television program and recording of every sport. You cannot me moved by the stories of these athletes who have been pursuing their dreams for the past four years or more, putting their lives on hold in the quest for gold.

Now is the time for reflection, some will retire, others will plan to return to higher things in Rio and a new breed will be encouraged to take part. that is the Legacy of the Olympics.

I too have been reflecting on my own life and see now is the time to move ahead with my life in the Philippines. I want to improve the lifestyle of the people close to me. It is the time to take on new challenges and set up plans for the next few years ahead. My net worth has suffered this year with worldwide depression eating away at my assets, so the time is right for action.

I have joined with a new group of entrepreneurs, who have dreams similar to my own, because the power of team is greater than that of the the individual members. We are being being led by a Billionaire who holds a number of Guinness Book of records, with the aim to create 100 millionaires from ordinary people like ourselves.

I invite you to follow me over the weeks and months as I take on my own challenge and one of my goals is to to attend the Next Olympic games in Rio at sit on Copacabana beach to watch a new breed of British sailors win gold.

David Ogden
Dipolog city
'The' online community and worldwide hub of professional marketers!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Who Wants to Be a Millionaire

100 people wanted for Millionaire challenge

Who wants to be to be a millionaire, was a popular family quiz for a time, give the right answer to a number of questions and the money was your. The problem is winners of this kind of competition, ending losing there winnings just a quickly, so what is the point.

Now I know of a Billionaire who is seeking to set yet another Guinness book of records for creating 100 new millionaires. He came from a poor family background and made his first million at the the age of 27 and has gone on to create a number millionaire already.

His latest challenge is just starting and he is looking for suitable people that he can mentor and develop into millionaires. This is perhaps the offer of a lifetime and is being explained during two webinars on Saturday.

If you have a home-based business, but have not yet achieved the level of success you are seeking, make sure you attend this event. Ed has already broken 4 different Guinness Book of World Records and has recently announced that he aims to do it again...

Since last week's announcement, already dozens of people have joined Ed's team I am already onboard and would invite you to attend...

Take this invitation seriously! It is truly a remarkable, totally unique opportunity that has never occurred before. Ed is looking for 100 people to PERSONALLY mentor... and he's specifically looking for people that have not had success up till now. (As he puts it, "I'm not looking to make 100 millionaires into multi-millionaires. I want to help empower people that really need it!")

Do to worldwide demand, there will be 2 live web conferences at 8am PST and then again at 1pm PST this Saturday, 8/11/12.

To join the conference just click the link to go to the event you wish to attend:

8:00am PST Web Conference

1:00pm PST Web Conference

Use to check out time where you live.


David Ogden
Veretekk Trainer
1-386-308-1956 (24 hours)
davidogdens [@]
Skype seadogs11
Office Hours-6AM-12AM GMT +8

Top SEO Results Tool

Friday, July 27, 2012

Marketing your Business

Marketing your Business

Yesterday I attended a webinar from T. Harv Eker, about the changing face of business as it seems that you need to choose carefully what you do, and aim to make money in five years and then sell and move on. This is a completely new mindset for me as I have looked to taking up to 3 years to make a profit, whereas the trend now is to return a profit within the first year.

One important aspect is the need to fully understand the business and opportunity you are going to promote and advertise, you can no longer rely on copy and pasting company provided sales pages to do your online selling you have to write your own advertising copy.

Many people do not know where to start, if you ask them to write about their business, so I generally recommend they start by writing about themselves and why they became involved with the business they are promoting. Having introduced themselves with one or two posts, they then need to start writing about the products and services they are providing.

One way to do this is to take the stock sales page and then rewrite it taking out the hype and buy now pitches and just supply one link in the signature area. As knowledge of their business grows they can expand into other areas, like providing answers to some common questions or features of their products.

You need to put yourself in the place of a potential customer what kind of questions do they have, what goes into products, what are the main features of your service, how does using the product or service benefit your customers.


David Ogden
Veretekk Trainer
1-386-308-1956 (24 hours)
davidogdens [@]
Skype seadogs11
Office Hours-6AM-12AM GMT +8

Advertise Your Business

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Marketing your Business

I continue to be amazed that people join opportunities, social groups, websites etc and then do nothing. I even wonder why most of them even bother to fill in the forms to sign up.

Perhaps one of the reasons is that some sites do not provide enough information about their product or service until they have captured your details, so that you can be added to an autoresponder which will pummel you into submission until you either take action or unsubscribe yourself.

One of my main businesses is the provision of a suite of marketing tools that costs $54.95 per month which includes everything you need to successfully market your business on the Internet, however people still sign up and do nothing, despite the fact that I include step my step instructions ,both in written and short video clips on what they need to do. Whenever there is a system update, it is added to the instructions.

The latest addition to the tools is a collection of blogging templates called VerePress, which can collate information from friends in Veretekk and other social groups such as Twitter and Facebook and Youtube. You can fully customise the look and feel from your back office in Veretekk hosting, to meet your needs in marketing your business. I just wonder how many people will make the effort to subscribe and use it.

Without marketing you will not make sales, and even with the best marketing system in the world you will not succeed unless you use it. Yes there is a lot of automation which can help you spread the word about your business, but you still need to write or get someone else to write your advertising copy, before the automation can be switched on.

I always recommend taking time to learn the basics including learning how tools work so that you can then uses them to market your business. You see, with a home based business model, I get to choose my pay, when I get a raise and how hard I would like to work. When building a business in the beginning, it is extremely important to work as hard as you can with "productive work" as opposed to "busy work".


David Ogden
Veretekk Trainer
1-386-308-1956 (24 hours)
davidogdens [@]
Skype seadogs11
Office Hours-6AM-12AM GMT +8

Top SEO Results Tools  |  Conference Room  |  Videos  |  Contact Me

Friday, July 20, 2012

Fr ee Millionaire Maker Seminar

Marketing your Business
"When Opportunity meets Preparation!"

This coming Saturday Tom Prendergast will be sharing the work he have been doing bringing powerful marketing to bear on your behalf. Here is a summary via bullets what to expect at this event:

  • Multiple campaigns in progress
  • Bulk Email campaigns, tracking, capture sites
  • Display ads (like banners), tracking, capture sites
  • Symbiotic campaigns, SEO and Social Marketing groups in an ad campaign via content and back links
  • Symbiotic groups participation via co-op funding.
  • Multiple tracking
  • Back linking Manager
  • Forum Posting Manager
  • Campaign Manager
This event will help lay the foundation of your Veretekk system coming into her own as the "only" fully featured automated digitally enhanced advertising agency for your exclusive use.

He is in the process of building a huge flotilla of running ad campaigns, including, bulk email services, display advertising, link exchanges, forum ads, radio advertising, etc.

Get first crack at joining the co-op at low un listed rates, Explode your business. Get in on the revolution of our Symbiotic groups and have fist place status for upcoming opportunities and new campaigns.

This is the promise of Veretekk and you can feel it coming like a freight train.

This coming Saturday at 2pm PST. Tom will be conducting the event. Will you be there too? I will

Our special guest this Saturday is accomplished billionaire and philanthropist, compassionately known to all as "Mr. Costa Rica" because of his humanitarian deeds for children, women, and families.

Having grown up as a street person living in condemned buildings he defied all odds as he earned his first million at the age of 27. Today he continues to amass wealth driving many of his businesses to the top, some in as little as 60 days! Integrated Marketing since 1995.

After this event at or around 3pm PST Tom will be conducting a full scale V2 orientation. If you want to know how the V2 system works, this is the event. Recording of the Orientation will be allowed.

To join the conference, just just go to Veretekk™ system scroll down to the bottom for the calendar. Login there.


David Ogden
Veretekk Trainer
1-386-308-1956 (24 hours)
davidogdens [@]
Skype seadogs11
Office Hours-6AM-12AM GMT +8

Top SEO Results Tools  |  Conference Room  |  Videos  |  Contact Me

When we learn to motivate other people, our own motivation will increase greatly. This is the fuel that keeps me motivated on a ongoing basis. In order for me to achieve great success in my own home based business I must be able to help other people in theirs by keeping them motivated through training and mentoring.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Automated Commodities Trading Launched - Going Fast

The Community Code A.M.B.E.R licenses are here? the timer ticked to zero and the commodity code page went live..

As my friend at Community Code (Steve) told me before, there are 3 different types of licenses available?

What I didn't know is that every license holder gets personal 1 on 1 phone support and a so called "profit Pass" for a meeting in Austria in 2014 (fully paid stay and room) to discuss developments and profits...

That`s something I truly like.. building a community of profitable traders to join together.

Only few licenses are available as I feared..

Steve told me they might change the volumes like splitting a bank license up to help smaller investors obtain a copy as they are running out much faster than anticipated.

You need to hurry now.. Go and grab your license, as this is a one of a kind opportunity that will not repeat itself anytime soon..

I would love to meet you in Austria in 2014 and talk about the past profitable year. I really do!

Good Trading
David Ogden

PS: Copies are running out! Remember you are fully protected by LAW by a money back guarantee.. there is nothing to lose and only to gain.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Early Bird Access To The Commodity Code!

"Officially" Commoditycode opens tomorrow 17th of July..

But for those that need to secure there licenses up front so called "Fund Manager" Licenses are given out.. those are for high rollers only so if you feel like you got the capital needed go to ->

and call the number.. Steve told me they will ask some verification questions and decide who's suited to receive a premium license.

Important: The Official Opening is still happening tomorrow July 17th 9 AM EST Time..

Make sure to be there to snag your copy up.. I know theres a lot of stupid marketing out there suggesting only a limited amount of copies but I know it directly form the source..

Copies are very limited and the SOLD OUT sign will appear days, if not hours after opening.. 100% guaranteed.

But its understandable given the fact that making money in every market is always at the expense of someone else.

And nobody knows if they will EVER open doors for this moneymaker again... Would you risk it if you had a proven moneymaker just for the sake of a few bucks more?

I would not.

As usual we consumers are protected by law with a 60 day money back guarantee so in this case you need to hop in guns blazing ..and ask questions later because you truly have nothing to loose.

I get no special treatment as well and have to stay in line like everyone else.. but I will definitely get my copy.. after all a product that made over 800,000 USD real cash is quite.. "rare"

Wouldn't you agree? :)

Just the best!


PS: Call them up..!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

A.M.B.E.R. alert information (important)

A.M.B.E.R. alert information (important)

The Commodity Code guys we`ve been following over the past week have put another website up and show Ronald and Antony talking about the last 5 years and how Gold, Oil and Silver stood the test of time while money profits have been eaten up by inflation..

It's interesting stuff! Here is the link to the video:

However the really interesting part is when you scroll down to the bottom of the page.. Seems only 2 more days to go till they release A.M.B.E.R.

As usual I called my pal Steve up (hes getting used to that and laughs always when he hears me on the phone by now)..

He told me that they got so many requests that he wanted to give the high rollers a chance to obtain a "Fund Manager" license for A.M.B.E.R. early on

There will be 3 license types,

  • Private,
  • Fund Manager
  • Bank manager
. They have different trade caps to control the liquidity. It seems they wont be selling any private licenses just yet, before the official date but give those that can afford it and have the right amount of capital to TRADE IT, an early bird chance by tomorrow

Go there tomorrow Monday 16th 9 AM EST time and call them up... but only if you got serious capital..

The official Launch Date is still set for July 17th 9 AM EST Time... a Timer is on the website as well..

SO if you're looking for a small license make sure to be there and snatch a copy up real quick..

After all profits are guaranteed by the money back philosophy so you can`t go wrong. (especially seeing the profits and accounts live traded)

Your friend

David Ogden

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Free Symbiotic Marketing Seminar

marketing your business

I am hosting a free online seminar. Do not let free fool you. I understand the power of groups and building powerful marketing campaigns with the art of delegation. When done right, the results are incredible. But that's the secret. Doing it "right". It;s called Symbiotic Marketing. This Thursday at 12pm noon PST. Scroll to the bottom of my site for the Calendar and room access. Let me know if you saw this ad, I would be intereted in your comments

David Ogden
Veretekk Trainer
1-386-308-1956 (24 hours)
davidogdens [@]
Skype seadogs11
Office Hours-6AM-12AM GMT +8

Top SEO Results Tools  |  Videos

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Free Seminar on Business Marketing

Thomas Prendergast
Veretekk CEO

This Wednesday at Noon (May 16, 2012) at 12pm noon PST I will be hosting a special open house for the newly subscribed and seasoned members of Veretekk.

This event will cover the V2 Integration capabilities that have recently become even more powerful than ever. (And you can plagiarize this you have my permission) Integration

You are hearing a lot about integration within Veretekk especially with the launch of V2. But most people do not fully grasp the term and how it plays in V2. Let me try to illustrate this powerful aspect of V2. in·te·grate
[in-ti-greyt] Show IPA verb, in·te·grat·ed, in·te·grat·ing. verb (used with object)

  1. to bring together or incorporate (parts) into a whole.
  2. to make up, combine, or complete to produce a whole or a larger unit, as parts do.
  3. to unite or combine.
A note about my background and experience: I started into Marketing at a very young age. In a thumbnail, I was born to be an artist. My parents were horrified about this claiming that artist starve to death. This freaked me out. So I bought many books on marketing art and marketing in general. One of those books, "Confessions of an Advertising Man", by David Ogilvy I purchased in 1980. That book changed my life. In 1984 Soon after I acquired my first computer and the quest to merge was on.

I coined the term back in the 90s as Data Base Marketing, but today, with the advent of a progressing Internet, and related technologies, what was a tactical or strategic action in the 80s today is represented by a digital counterpart.

Today's Internet Marketer is by far a lot less qualified to be in marketing than his counterpart 20 years ago. Today one can just claim to be an SEO master or an Internet Marketer simply because the information to discover the basics and intricacies to do so are at everyone's fingertips. This does not diminish the effectiveness of today's marketer over the marketing agency of 20 years ago, it just establishes that things have changed on a massive scale.

20 years ago it took a Marketing Department to accomplish what most Internet marketers set upon themselves to do today on their own. (This is why so many fail and/or have a chronic case of ADD; Attention Deficit Disorder). NOTE: "I suffer from this myself"

The marketing tools of the Internet, the ability to measure results, the ability to research on the Internet is a dream come true to a seasoned and long time experienced ad man as myself. But it also brings with it a serious risk potential and that is the undertaking of keeping track of and updating each of the aspects that compromise Internet Marketing today.

Back before the Internet an ad agency had many people for each respective responsibility, one department for sending direct mail, another for tradeshows and conferences and yet another for display advertising and printed material, press releases, radio ads, conventions, etc.....

This is why the majority of Internet marketers are tactical (focused mostly on one aspect like SEO) instead of being strategic, having a full focus of research, analysis, multifaceted campaigns using all the tools required for full scale Internet marketing, keeping it organized and processing the constant information caused by such a campaign.

Tools ie:

  • Hosting for domains and websites
  • Auto responders email for follow-up communications
  • Web Conference Rooms for live meetings, educational seminars, training connecting.
  • SEO systems, back links, authority sites, forums, blogs, etc.
  • Display advertising
  • A social networking system and management
  • Lead generating systems or resources for a steady inventory of leads.
  • Contact data management system, calendars, reminders component.

The need to integrate all these aspects is paramount otherwise the marketing campaign is limited to a tactical approach, with poor management and even worse results. IE: hit and miss attempts, scattered approaches caused by lack of a solid strategy, impulsively running from one idea to another, the results are mediocre at best and worse, forgetting what was done in the past as this method also lacks tracking the posts, ads, and tactics, etc. used.

I have seen competent SEO marketers run from one domain to another, buying more domains and creating sites just for posting more content on pointing to other sites pointing to other sites creating a mass of gibberish that at best might increase an Alexa ranking to some degree but never really amounting to anything but time wasted.

This same phenomena can be seen with many people on the Internet running from one business idea or opportunity to the other. With no clear-cut objective, this is why most Internet marketers fail.

When you integrate the entire process, from research analysis (keeping track of that), keyword analysis, targeted content, pre written letters ready for your sequential mail auto responders, team building with a symbiotic group, videos and audio animations and screen captured demos, capture pages (tested with your group in our Bull Pen: focus groups increase the overall effectiveness of design and strategy), blogging and other partners in your group blogging on your behalf, back linking strategies and keeping track of the thousands of authority site memberships for additional effect, ratings with Google Page ranks and Alexa ranks and tracking that, traffic tracking, running display ads and managing that, running Google adsense ads, Facebook Ads etc and tracking, radio ads and cableTV ads. Whew!

All of this seems very overwhelming to accomplish 'on your own'. However the very core of Veretekk and it's services and benefits allows you to run full throttle professional campaigns like this without resorting to hiring an agency to do it, or having a dozen or so unrelated services in an attempt to run something akin to this on your own

This level of marketing is what you will see from top income earners and the very successful among the halls of the top ranked members of Internet Marketing. This is the "why" for why we built Veretekk.

It is called integration. The entire Veretekk system is completely integrated so you can ramp up and run a far more effective marketing campaign. Ad to this the Market Manager and the fact that V2 social network element gives you the added benefit of building a symbiotic group to make your efforts that much more powerful.

This Wednesday May 16, 2012 at 12pm NOON PST I will be conducting another 2-3 hour seminar

To attend this free seminar Click Here and scroll to bottom of page enter you name and select the event

12:00 PM - Veretekk Inc. V2 Marketing Integration
You are hearing a lot about integration within Veretekk especially with the launch of V2. But most people do not fully grasp the term and how it plays in V2. At this seminar I will illustrate this powerful aspect of V2. Invite your guests. It's open house

Monday, April 30, 2012

Marketing Your Business Videos

Original Article @ Veretekk Internet Marketing Business

Marketing Your Business
Video training

I am continuing work on showing people how to start marketing their business using the new veretekk social/business marketing system.

Since my last post I have added three more videos the first being about how to use the new veretekk silver marketer to promote your business by correctly setting up your profile and free vereblog system.

The second video for gold subscribers is about how to set up the traffic portals to collect leads and using the SEO drill to promote these portal, as well as the system drill to send out free classified ads to a top ranking classified site. Plus a little bit about site linking.

The next video in the series will be about communications/ advertising

David Ogden
Veretekk Trainer
1-386-308-1956 (24 hours)
davidogdens [@]
Skype seadogs11
Office Hours-6AM-12AM GMT +8
Top SEO Results Tools  |  RSS  |  Conference Room  |  Videos  |  Contact Me

Monday, April 23, 2012

Marketing your Business Offer

Original Article @ Veretekk Internet Marketing Business

Marketing Your Business
Marketer Dashboard

I am looking for ten business owners or entreneurs who wish to develop their skills in advertising their business online. In addition to mentoring, each selected person will have access to a marketer dashboard from which they can control their business marketing.

The marketing dashboard application includes blogging systems and portals for search engine optimisation and a unique hosting package which includes access to a number of aged domains which can be used for further business promotion.

please contact me via email or Skype for further details.

David Ogden
Veretekk Trainer
1-386-308-1956 (24 hours)
davidogdens [@]
Skype seadogs11
Office Hours-6AM-12AM GMT +8
Top SEO Results Tools  |  RSS  |  Conference Room  |  Videos  |  Contact Me

Friday, April 13, 2012

Advertising Your Business

Original Article @ Veretekk Internet Marketing Business

Marketing Your Business
Advertising your Business

One of the most important parts of advertising is to be easy to contact: Every single brochure, box, video,email, website, blog and all company literature should have full contact information including: website and email address, phone and fax numbers, and company address. It seems simple but is forgotten by most companies.

When advertising online also make sure to provide links to more information about you and your company, people tend to buy from people they trust.It has become human nature to distrust advertising. Claims need to be real and credible. Roy H. Williams, best-selling author of the "Wizard of Ads" says,

"Any claim made in your advertising which your customer does not perceive as the truth is a horrible waste of ad dollars."

Provide information about your products and services rather than a hard sell.Create ads that generate interest and make the customer want to contact you for more information.

Test your advertising: Large businesses have a greater margin to waste capital and resources without testing advertising. Small businesses do not have the luxury. Use coupons, codes, and specials to measure the headline, timing, and placement of your ad. Test only one item at a time and one medium. Testing can be as simple as asking every customer for several weeks how they heard of your business.

Good Morning from David Ogden - Veretekk Trainer

You will want to connect with me @ David Ogden Training Videos. Here, I offer great information concerning all aspects of marketing your business.

David Ogden
Veretekk Trainer
1-386-308-1956 (24 hours)
davidogdens [@]
Office Hours-6AM-12AM GMT +8
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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Marketing Your Business in the Philippines

Life in the Philippines
Business in the Philippines

I have been looking for some time for a forum in the Philippines to build business contacts and gather information and came across

Alexa ranking116,472 ,and I thought great ranking site, a good place to hang out and share my experience. The only problem and it effects many forums is that people do not read or fail to understand the forum rules, and post a whole lot of rubbish.

A forum is generally a place for discussion not for advertising your business, except in places set aside for such activity

I have drawn the moderators attention to a couple of issues and hopefully some of the posts will be removed, which will greatly improve the forum.

One of the problems in the Philippines at least where I live in the south is lack of money, temporary office workers for local government receive around 5,000 peso a month and may spend 2,000 on accommodation which does not leave much to live, let alone to put some aside to start a business, so it is no wonder they bite at anything that is free. My own business services cost the equivalent of 2,300 peso a month and are aimed at small business owners or even people providing virtual office services, which is actually something that many people in the Philippines provide.

Till the next time David Ogden

Friday, April 6, 2012

Veretkk Marketer Dashboard

Original Article @ David Ogdens Training Videos

Marketing Your Business
New Marketing Dashboard

Click on Image below to watch video Veretekk Marketer Dashboard

This short training video introduces you to the Veretekk Marketer Dashboard which can be used as a control panel not only to link with your social and business friends but also to keep them updated with what you are doing.

Veretekk 2 was soft launched on 1st April 2012 after some three years of Development and is set to take its place as the place to run your online business and brand yourself.

Later in the year a revised market manager will be launched which will provide major tools and resources to advertise and market your business Good Morning from David Ogden - Veretekk Trainer

Good Morning from David Ogden - Veretekk Trainer

You will want to connect with me @ David Ogden Training Videos. Here, I offer great information concerning all aspects of marketing your business.

David Ogden
Veretekk Trainer
1-386-308-1956 (24 hours)
davidogdens [@]
Office Hours-6AM-12AM GMT +8
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Saturday, March 31, 2012

Watch UK TV Anywhere

Life in the Philippines
TV in the Philippines

TV in the Philippines generally is based on American style programs and it is rare to find a service which offers programs from the BBC let alone sport such as Rugby, although now the Philippines are taking up Rugby sevens and Rugby league perhaps there will be more coverage, otherwise you have to put up with Baseball, Basketball, Snooker and of course football.

TV reception is often interrupted by bad weather, tropical rainstorms and high winds, so I have been looking for alternatives. now I did come across one piece of software which allowed viewing of TV programs from around the world, but this only offered recorded programs ,so was something of a rip off, however last week I found a company which offered UK TV programs from the BBC and ITV.

I subscribed to the program and found it seemed to work well over my broadband connection, having been a fan of Doctor Who since it was first introduced many years ago I was pleased to see it was still running and was able to watch one of the latest episodes. I also caught up on UK breakfast time news and a rugby game. All in all I was quite impressed. I did suffer a little spooling delay when watching the rugby game but that was because my partner was also downloading something from the Internet at the same time.

So if there are any Expats out there missing out of programs from home they should check out Expats Telly I recommend it

Till the next time David Ogden

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Marketing Dashboard

Original Article @ Veretekk Internet Marketing Asia

Marketing Your Business
Advertising your business

I can hardly wait for for the weekend to arrive in order to evaluate my new business dashboard, it is something that many people dream about owning.

Anyone who has been advertising their business online for a number of years will probably have collected or used many different programs and pieces of software to develop their business. The problem is they are not designed to work together. You might have built a site on Wordpress, hosted at Godaddy with an auto responder from Aweber and a conference room from goto meeting. You have made sales videos at You Tube and keep in touch with your friends, via Facebook, Twitter and Skype. Does this sound familiar.

You end up retyping or copying information from one system to another which can be very time consuming. you probably also have developed an number of online profiles on different system which you try to keep up to date.

Now just suppose there was a intuitive system which from the outset has been designed not only to get your message out there but also to gather leads and enable you to keep in touch with like minded people, to whom you can turn to for advice on many diverse subjects at any time of the day or night.

Well one of my catch phrases has been

Turning your Dreams into Reality

So watch this space for more news

Good Morning from David Ogden - Veretekk Trainer

You will want to connect with me @ David Ogden Training Videos. Here, I offer great information concerning all aspects of marketing your business.

David Ogden
Veretekk Trainer
1-386-308-1956 (24 hours)
davidogdens [@]
Office Hours-6AM-12AM GMT +8
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